Thursday, July 31, 2008

"It's Your Plane", Voice Controller for FS9, FSX

It's Your Plane is a really cool program....especially if you are lazy like me.

Flight Simulator Voice Controller for FS9, FSX

They call it a Virtual Co-Pilot and they are right. I wasn't expecting much when I downloaded the Demo, they give you 15 days to try it, but I was pleasantly surprised.

It does take a few flights for the system to recognize your voice to the point where it will quit just sitting there when you talk to Michelle and she does nothing. You have three Microsoft Voice options....of course I chose the female voice.

I will post a more in depth review of this later. I just wanted to let you know about it now so you could go and download the demo and check it out.

Oh yea....make sure you have a decent microphone on your headset.