Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Matrox Triple Head 2GO

Well this isn't new.....but it is new to me, and it looks like a fantastic idea.

Would you like to have a panaramic view of your flight sim....spread over 3 monitors?

Matrox has a new Digital version out now that will accept digital inputs from your Video Card....which should be a better signal.

FlightSim.Com Review: Matrox Triple Head 2GO

747-400X Now Available

Finally the PMDG 747-300 for FSX is available. Anxious to give her a try.

747-400X Now Available

Friday, October 26, 2007

SmartCockpit - Airline training guides, Aviation, Operations, Safety

Looking for a Manual for a plane that doesn't have one. Try this site....or check out their Swiss Army Knife. There is info on everything from Crew Dating to Air Forces Monthly Magazine.

Very interesting site...check it out.

SmartCockpit - Airline training guides, Aviation, Operations, Safety

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The simFlight Awards 2007

If you haven't seen this already....I thought this was pretty interesting to see what Companies are considered the best in the industry.

The simFlight Awards 2007

Monday, October 22, 2007

FS Recorder Module

This sounds pretty cool. Saw this in a news article on FlightSimX.

I haven't tried it yet but I like the idea of being able to play flights back in FS and change the views.

FS Recorder Module

Friday, October 19, 2007

flyagogo.net - Charts, Weather, Aviation Database

Well here is another Very Cool flight planning and chart website found by Danny at Deer Valley.

Not only can you find any sectional chart you want...but also weather radar...actual photo's of the airport you are flying to...STAR's and Approach Plates....VERY COOL!!

Great work Danny.

flyagogo.net - Charts, Weather, Aviation Database

Big Disappointment...Flight Deck 4

I have been thinking how cool it would be to be able to fly jets and attempt to land on the flight deck of a carrier....so when I saw Flight Deck 4 I thought, " Hot Damn"....I need to try this. Although I was a bit suspicious when I saw you got 7 aircraft and the USS Ronald Regan....all for $29.95...but I tried it anyway.

Well in my opinion this very close to worthless. The planes fly like crap. They have no realistic feel at all. This is one of those programs that I might as well delete from my computer, because I will never use it.

If you want to check it out yourself....here is the link.

Abacus Main Menu

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The web's largest collection of pilot callsigns

Have you ever tried to come up with a good Pilot Callsign or Nickname...but just couldn't come up with anything? Check out this site....some great ones here.

The web's largest collection of pilot callsigns

Friday, October 12, 2007

Ventrilo Voice Chat Software

Ventrilo is an awesome group voice chat software, if you happen to have a group of people you communicate with daily. I am in the process of testing it out and this is a viewer to see who...if anyone...is on my chat server.

A test of Ventrilo Server Viewer.

Ventrilo Server Hosting by InstantVentrilo.com

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

ACME Signature License Maker

Want to have a personalized license plate in your forum signature file like this one:

Here is the link...thanks to my buddy Jim Davis that showed me this one.

ACME License Maker